Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Competent Manager

This book offers you an empirical, ``total'' system approach that determines which characteristics of managers enable them to be effective in various management jobs. 

Presents a large-scale, intensive study (2,000 managers holding 41 different jobs in 12 organizations) that provides a context for identifying the special characteristics, as well as assessing and developing managerial talent. And you would learn an integrated model of managerial competence that explains the relationship of these characteristics to each other, to the functions of the management job, and to the key aspects of the internal organizational environment. Also introduces a model of individual competency.

Saturday, March 31, 2012



故事中的主人翁,是一人人羡慕的白领佳丽,毕业自名校,拥有令人羡慕的工作,但心中却不时的自问:为什么我不能拥有想要的生活?为什么我不快乐?我该如何当自己生命的主人? 在一个下雨的冬夜,她巧遇一名智慧老者,在与智者数度交谈的过程中,渐渐找到人生的答案,并看清了自己的心灵缺口... 如果你想寻找自己、找回自己或重新遇上全新的自己,就和这本书约会吧!

Friday, March 09, 2012




Thursday, January 19, 2012





Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Can You Heal Your Heart

According to Louise Hay, we have to recognize and acknowledge what our perceived problem is, and then assess what the mental or emotional cause may be. Spend some time becoming aware of what your anxieties, pains, and concerns are. What is preventing you from happiness? From love? From living?

After you have acknowledged a few things that you would like to improve, it is time to change your language. Instead of using the negative language, ‘I can’t’ ‘I won’t’ ‘I should have’, turn them into positive. An example Hay gives is as follows:

I don’t want to be fat. I don’t want to be broke. I don’t want to have this relationship.

And we should change our language pattern, such as: I look prosperous, I can be rich. I can have a wonderful new relationship.

By changing the language that you use with yourself and others, all of these situations become manageable, and less of a burden. It is important to continually use these positive words to retrain our mind, and heart.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mind Power

We are held back only by the limits of our mind.

At work and in your personal life, this book - Mind Power will show you how to take control, change your attitudes and create a future of success.

The author stressed when you change your thinking - you change your life! Isn't this sound familiar to NLPers?

Mind Power is literally packed with power; the power to take full control of your mind, your emotions and your life. Your mind and the way you think informs absolutely everything you feel, do and say. Imagine how effectively you could command and influence the direction of your life if you knew how to control the power of your mind. Learn to take control of fear and anxiety; improve all the relationships in your personal and business life; harness the full power of your memory, logic and analytical skills; be more persuasive, influential and impactful; and open your mind to a "can-do" attitude.

Hence, take control of your mind, change your thinking and create a future of success.


外遇,是当下社会流行的通病。据调查,约有70%的美国夫妻都曾受过外遇的困扰! ? 在外遇这场三个人的战争里,没有人是真正的赢家。短暂的刺激过后,剩下的只有愤怒、痛苦、失落、悔恨、不信任……   东窗事发之后,作为受伤方,你如何从深切的痛苦和失落中走出来?作为出轨方,你如何在旧爱新欢间抉择,又如何应对内心的愧疚和罪恶感?   

即便做出了复合的决定,作为受伤方,你如何能原谅对方的背叛,并确信他不会再次出轨?作为出轨方,你又如何确保获得伴侣真正的宽恕?  外遇之后的婚姻,还要不要继续,还能不能继续?你将可以在这本书找到答案!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011




