Thursday, February 15, 2007


Fish - Catch The Energy and Release The Potential
Stephen Lundin, Ph.D., Harry Paul, and John Christensen




1) 选择自己的态度——卖鱼的人都知道,他们每天要选择自己的态度。其中一位渔贩说:“工作的时候,你是什么样的人?你是无奈、厌倦,还是想做出成绩?如果你希望举世闻名,就要做得与众不同。”我们在工作的时候,究竟想成为什么样的人?

2) 玩——渔贩在工作的时候充满乐趣和活力。我们怎样才能有更多的乐趣、创造更多的活力?

3) 让别人快乐——渔贩和顾客一道度过了快乐的时光。他们采用吸引顾客的方式创造活力、树立品牌。谁是我们的顾客?我们采用什么方法吸引顾客并使他们快乐?我们相互之间又怎么得到快乐?

4) 投入——所有渔贩都全身心投入工作。他们教会我们哪些可以让同事之间互相帮助、让顾客参与其中的方法.

(By Tim Sanders)
This is a must read for boss, manager, teacher even working executives who wants to improve their charisma and likeability. WIth better charisma and likeability, business dealings and sales can be made easier.

I have shared this during my talk in 19 August in Institute of Business, Singapore Chinese Chambers.

Tim Shared 4 key points in his book:
Friendliness: seems like a no-brainer, but many people don't think being friendly makes such a big difference. It does.

Relevance: try to matter to other people. Don't just see what you can get out of them but rather what you can do for them.

Empathy: Care for people. Try to get behind what matters to them etc. Be interested in them first.

Realness: Likeability will not work if you try to fake it. Once people realize that your friendliness, empathy and relevance is real, you will see changes.

After he discusses the four elements of likeability, he moves on to share detailed guidelines on every single element. This is a very useful part of the book, with tips and examples on how to improve one's likeability. This book will teach anyone how to bring out the best in others.