Envisioning the Future
Envisioning the Future is a key task for all leaders/
What today’s brightest minds have to say about the road ahead
We live in one of the most tumultuous and exciting times in human history. With our cultural, political, economic, and spiritual systems colliding, breaking down, and transforming in the mixing bowl of the twenty-first century, it is difficult to predict what the world might look like even a few years from now. So for this issue of EnlightenNext, we asked a few visionary thinkers some very big questions: Where are we going? How are we going to get there? And how should we relate to the extraordinary uncertainty that defines our global landscape today? Featuring: Ken Wilber, Thomas Barnett, John Petersen, Gary Lachman, Jim Garrison, Elza Maalouf, Ray Kurzweil, Patricia Aburdene, and Joel Garreau.