Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My Start-Up Life

My Start-Up Life

Ben Casnocha, 19, author of the new book “My Start-Up Life: What a (Very) Young C.E.O. Learned on His Journey Through Silicon Valley,” offers clues.

As he recounts in his book, Ben was 14 when he started Comcate Inc., a Web-based service for helping local governments manage customer service. He called on numerous mentors, many of them initially strangers or casual acquaintances. Some talented and busy people, presumably impressed by the young man, decided to support his enterprise. He also asked for outright grants to get his business off the ground and to help finance his version of the American dream.

American youths are so successful at entrepreneurship in part because so many older and wealthier people are willing to help them. The broader American success at philanthropy, then, lays the groundwork for American entrepreneurship. By global standards, Americans may have looser networks of friends and family, but Americans are more willing to help relative strangers, and this often helps business.

Friday, June 08, 2007


By Zac Lee

性格心理学MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator的缩写) 是一门很特别的学问。你可以说它是很简单的科学,它没有复杂的理论也没有繁琐的程式。但它同时也是门很深奥的学问,因为只需要了解它,你就掌握了这个人的思维方式、行为、价值观及才华或特长。


为了更方便让你认识性格心理学,《全脑人材》从性情学说(Temperament) 入门,让你了解一个人的处世和处事的价值观。性情学说不只能让你我更容易地去了解自己,了解周围的亲友甚至于一个陌生人,它也能提升你的沟通能力。











Leading The Revolution

Leading The Revolution

"Leading The Revolution" is, in our opinion, among the five most imporatant management books of the 21st century.
In the book, Gary advises organizations to focus on revolutionary and extreme innovation (developing new products and services to the world, which create revolutions and transform entire markets to the core), rather than on evolutionary innovation (upgrading existing products).

According to Hamel, in order to succeed in conditions of uncertainty, one should choose a strategy similar to risk distribution in stock market investments. That is - better invest (smaller amounts) in ten high-risk strategic directions, than (everything) in one conservative and low-risk strategic direction. He aslo warned us that we should focus on insurgent instead of incumbent alone. He concluded that innovation is the best strategy for corporate "pheonix reborn"!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Long Tail - A New Marketing Concept

The Long Tail

Chris has help popularize a difficult concept. Everyone is talking about the “Long Tail.” Using Amazon, Rhapsody, iTunes, Google and other examples, Chris defines and illustrates the Long Tail as follows:

The theory of the Long Tail is that our culture and economy is increasingly shifting away from a focus on a relatively small number of “hits” (mainstream products and markets) at the head of the demand curve and toward a huge number of niches in the tail. As the costs of production and distribution fall, especially online, there is now less need to lump products and consumers into one-size-fits-all containers. In an era without the constraints of physical shelf space and other bottlenecks of distribution, narrowly-target goods and services can be as economically attractive as mainstream fare.

One example of this is the theory’s prediction that demand for products not available in traditional bricks and mortar stores is potentially as big as for those that are. But the same is true for video not available on broadcast TV on any given day, and songs not played on radio. In other words, the potential aggregate size of the many small markets in goods that don’t individually sell well enough for traditional retail and broadcast distribution may someday rival that of the existing large market in goods that do cross that economic bar.

Traditional retail economics dictate that stores only stock the likely hits, because shelf space is expensive. But online retailers (from Amazon to iTunes) can stock virtually everything, and the number of available niche products outnumber the hits by several orders of magnitude. Those millions of niches are the Long Tail, which had been largely neglected until recently in favor of the Short Head of hits.

When consumers are offered infinite choice, the true shape of demand is revealed. And it turns out to be less hit-centric than we thought. People gravitate towards niches because they satisfy narrow interests better, and in one aspect of our life or another we all have some narrow interest (whether we think of it that way or not).