Monday, February 19, 2007


(By Dr David Hawkins)

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness explores the ego's expressions and inherent limitations and gives detailed explanations and instructions on how to transcend them. It expands the understanding of the levels of consciousness as presented in the now widely-known Map of Consciousness.

This book focuses on the individual and studies the experiential subject blocks to the advancement of consciousness that leads to progressive spiritual awareness and on to higher levels of consciousness preparatory to advanced states such as Enlightenment itself. to me, this book is therefore a practical manual rather than a comprehensive analysis.





Friday, February 16, 2007


By Andrew and Mary Bragg
Prentice Hall



Thursday, February 15, 2007


Fish - Catch The Energy and Release The Potential
Stephen Lundin, Ph.D., Harry Paul, and John Christensen




1) 选择自己的态度——卖鱼的人都知道,他们每天要选择自己的态度。其中一位渔贩说:“工作的时候,你是什么样的人?你是无奈、厌倦,还是想做出成绩?如果你希望举世闻名,就要做得与众不同。”我们在工作的时候,究竟想成为什么样的人?

2) 玩——渔贩在工作的时候充满乐趣和活力。我们怎样才能有更多的乐趣、创造更多的活力?

3) 让别人快乐——渔贩和顾客一道度过了快乐的时光。他们采用吸引顾客的方式创造活力、树立品牌。谁是我们的顾客?我们采用什么方法吸引顾客并使他们快乐?我们相互之间又怎么得到快乐?

4) 投入——所有渔贩都全身心投入工作。他们教会我们哪些可以让同事之间互相帮助、让顾客参与其中的方法.

(By Tim Sanders)
This is a must read for boss, manager, teacher even working executives who wants to improve their charisma and likeability. WIth better charisma and likeability, business dealings and sales can be made easier.

I have shared this during my talk in 19 August in Institute of Business, Singapore Chinese Chambers.

Tim Shared 4 key points in his book:
Friendliness: seems like a no-brainer, but many people don't think being friendly makes such a big difference. It does.

Relevance: try to matter to other people. Don't just see what you can get out of them but rather what you can do for them.

Empathy: Care for people. Try to get behind what matters to them etc. Be interested in them first.

Realness: Likeability will not work if you try to fake it. Once people realize that your friendliness, empathy and relevance is real, you will see changes.

After he discusses the four elements of likeability, he moves on to share detailed guidelines on every single element. This is a very useful part of the book, with tips and examples on how to improve one's likeability. This book will teach anyone how to bring out the best in others.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Looking for a better way to say "authentic?" Words That Sell gives you 57 alternatives. How about "appealing?" Take your pick from 76 synonyms. You'll even find more than 100 variations on "exciting." Fully updated and expanded, this edition of the copywriting classic is packed with inspiration-on-demand for busy professionals who need to win customers--by mail, online, or in person.

This book is a super crash course in basic copywriting techniques. It provides helpful lists of commonly misspelled words, confusing words, pretentious phrases to avoid, and moreRoget's is fine for writing term papers and letters to the editor, but when it comes to the business of writing copy that translates into sales, there is no substitute for Words That Sell.


作者: W钱金(韩)/ 莫博涅(美)


在这本书中,两位作者对你所熟知的一切战略成功的定律提出挑战。他们认为,流连于红海的竞争之中,将越来越难以创造未来的获利性增长。和波特教授竞争力不同之处是,竞争力着重的是产品的差异,而蓝海着重的是市场的创建。我个人的看法是读者也应该读读Gary Hamel的Leading The Revolution。这是一本十分奉行行销导向的书。






By Robert Spector & Patrick McCarthy
Published by John Wiley & Sons

First published in 1995, The Nordstrom Way is a classic guide to great customer service. This book provides more practical guide to you to become the Nordstrom of your industry.

Designed for customer service managers and trainers, as well as business owners, it's an invaluable resource for designing your own programs and initiatives.

The authors not only explain the principles of the world's best customer service company, they also show you how to implement them in your own organization. The Nordstrom Way to Customer Service Excellence will help your business make
customers its number one concern, and help make your business number one in your industry.

To me, the most exciting part is the personal story of Patrick McCarthy, how he rejected to work as manager and his daily work secrets revealed, wow, its is so inspiring!


By Patrick Barwise and Sean Meehan
Harvard Business School Press

Crucial messages need not be complex. And I agreed so much with this book written by Patrick Barwise and Sean Meehan.

The simple message of Simply Better is that many companies have failed miserably in their stated goal to be "customer-focused". Except for relatively rare instances, customers care little for the addition of unique features and clever innovations. What they really want is the reliable delivery of "generic category benefits" - products that work and reliable services that take place on time. That is "Don't Be Unique, Be Better."

Barwise and Meehan insist that organizations that adopt a true customer-centric perspective can generate a low-risk, high return opportunity.

The authors first explain how customers see your brand and make purchase decisions. They then explain how to convert that understanding into a clear view of what customers really value. These are the actual (and potential) generic category benefits. The book also examines the management challenges to creating these benefits.

Chapter 6, "Customer-Focused Mind-Set", sets out a refreshing view of "fast and right processes and a pure air culture". And Chapter 7 is my favourite, using P&G as example, it offers insight such as companies should think of category benefits instead of brand benefits, think within the box before outside the box (contrary from common sense, of course) and think opportunities and not threats.




文化。在第2章中, 微软宁缺勿滥,人尽其才;三星允许优秀人才犯错;索尼的用人之道让我印象深刻!想进一步学好行销的同学可

作者: Jim Collins


很多人在阅读前或许会以为“从A到A+”这本书是“不败经营”(或基业长青)的延续篇,但就如作者所指出的,“不败经营”探讨的是卓越公司如何永续的秘诀; 而 “从A到A+” 则探讨了一般原先不起眼的公司“从优秀到卓越”的路程。


1)“从A到A+” 的公司中,有10家公司的CEO都是经由内部升迁而坐上这个位子的。但是,对照公司选用空降部队担任CEO的比率则有6倍之多。

2)“从A到A+” 的公司 和对照公司在策略上并没有太大的差异。两组公司都有清楚的策略,没有证据显示“从优秀到卓越”的公司比对照公司花更多时间在长远的策略规划上。

3) “从A到A+” 的公司善用科技带动改变, 以科技为加速器。

4) “从A到A+” 的公司先找对人,再决定要做什么 。企业界有句老生常谈:“员工是你最重要的资产。”这句话其实说得不对,员工不是你最重要的资产,适合的人才,才是你最重要的资产。


最令我动心的一段话是⋯面对残酷的现实,绝不丧失信心: 每个"从A到A+” 的公司都抱持着一种精神——勇于面对眼前最残酷的现实;但同时抱着绝不动摇的坚强信念,不管遭遇多大的横逆,都 相信自己一定能坚持到最后。

快去买一本“从A到A+” 来读吧!

作者: 戴尔·卡耐基



这本书的唯一目的就是帮助你解决你所面临的最大问题:如何在日常生活、商务活动与社会交往中与人打交道,并有效地影响他人;如何击败人类的生存之敌—— 忧虑,以创造一种幸福美好的人生。当你通过本书解决好这一问题之后,其他问题也就迎刃而解了。这是我们每个人都应该学习的人生必修课。






第8章则说明了实现愿望的关键在于脑电波,这和Dr David Hawkins的体制心理学学说也有异曲同工之秒。有意者快去买吧,百胜楼的友谊企业书店只剩三本。

In The Hidden Messages in Water, readers are introduced to the revolutionary work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, who discovered that molecules of water are affected by thoughts, words and feelings. Dr. Emoto shares his realizations from his years of research and explains the profound implications on the healing of water, mankind and earth. He offers proof that water is alive and responsive to our every emotion.

Dr. David R. Hawkins is a world renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher and lecturer, as his listing in Who's Who in America amply attests. He has been a guest of MacNeil/Lehrer, Barbara Walters and The Today Show. His previous book, Orthomolecular Psychiatry, co-authored with Nobelist Linus Pauling, sold out completely. By the
end of 1995, word-of mouth sales of POWER vs. FORCE were increasing by ten per cent a week., POWER vs. FORCE is the culmination of twenty years' research.

In it, David Hawkins conclusively proves the ability of kinesiological testing to distinguish truth or falsehood in any statement—an astonishing idea in itself, with far reaching implications for every aspect of human life. He goes on to demonstrate the application of his method (explained clearly for the layman) in commerce, art, sport, etc.
Then he explains its spiritual application, as a path to enlightenment, Beyond this, Dr.Hawkins demonstrates kinesiological calibration as a tool for assessing value and motive,revealing the hidden determinants of human behavior—and establishing a Map of Consciousness that illuminates the spiritual ladder we must follow
as a race and as individuals.

The volume concludes with compendious notes and bibliography, and, finally, a fascinating narrative of the author's own journey from atheism to spiritual enlightenment.




希尔曼 在第六章指出...这个投射源于一个原型,这个原型正是每个灵魂的内在本质...它是心灵中的一个形象,是它带来了倾心-即使一个人能全心全意去做一件事情的动力...这就是命运的召唤和情感。


The Power of Intention:
Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
Dr Wayne Dyer

Intention is generally viewed as a pit-bull kind of determination propelling one to succeed at all costs by never giving up on an inner picture. In this view, an attitude that combines hard work with an indefatigable drive toward excellence is the way to succeed. However, intention is viewed very differently in this book. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has researched intention as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place.

To me, this book explores intention not as something you do but as an energy you're a part of. There are 15 chapters in this book, charter 6, 11 and 12 move me most.

Just like what Dr Dyer said, we're all intended here through the invisible power of intention. This is the first book to look at intention as a field of energy that you can access to begin co-creating your life with the power of intention.
(You can get it at Kinokuniya, Takashimaya!)




《知人知心》全书共有25个章节, 可大略分为四个部分:第一部分让读者参与心理学测试,从中找寻自己的性格DNA; 从第5章起的第二部分,让读者按自己的类型了解自己的强弱点。第三部分从第9章起至第16章,这部分提供了让读者了解如何欣赏不同类型的人,并如何与其有效的沟通和共事。最后一个部分则叙述了不同性格和性情中的动力来源,以及其在工作,领导和职业选择的特点。

《知人知心》强调了一个重点:在尊重别人的世界观的同时,人人都应该学习拥有四大不同的世界观或性情,扩大和优化它, 让自己成长,成熟,成功!

By Isabel Myers & Peter Myers
This is a must-read, especially for those who want to understand how Myers-Briggs type indictor (MBTI) works. In Gifts Differing, Isabel talks about understanding other peoples preferred way of doing things - in particular of perceiving (gathering information) and judging (make decisions or coming to conclusions) - and how that understanding can help to make the differences more acceptable.

In talking about differences in marriage partnerships, she writes: ...In any marriage, a type difference may at times produce an outright conflict between opposite points of view. When this happens, the partners have a choice. One or both can assume that it is wrong of the other to be different—and be righteously indignant, which diminishes the partner.

They can assume that it is wrong of themselves to be different—and be depress, which is self diminishing. Or they can acknowledge that each is justifiably and interestingly different from the other—and be amused.

MBTI shows preferences a person has, the preferred way of being. In this book, Myers outlines the strengths of each type, and emphasizes that people usually work at both ends of each scale at different times, but that they will have better developed preferences. Recognising these preferences allows you to work on developing the other side of the coin, and also to appreciate those whose preferences (and therefore skills) are opposite.

(Canada)Barbara E. Bryden, Ph.D

Sundial is an interdisciplinary work about cognition and health that encompasses the disciplines of psychology, medicine, complementary healthcare, and spirituality. Author Barbara considers the possible connections between psychological type and disease in a way that appeals to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® practitioner.

In Sundial, the author makes the case that cognition and behavior associated with psychological type may be related to certain kinds of disease, and at that same time may provide clues to prevention and health management. Bryden let us better understand the conscious conditionsfor health in each of these various categories."

What is so very positive about this is that cognition is changeable! A given type may be able to modify his preferences, in other words, in a desired direction, to reduce his identified health risks."

Using the MBTI as a "language"for describing relationships between cognition and health, Bryden discusses these connections as well asa variety of healthcare modalities—other "languages"that might mitigate diseases to which a person may be predisposed. They all speak the same hopeful message—that health risks can be changed to some extent by changing one's thinking and behavior in specific directions.

By Jim Ball

This little book is an A-to-Z reference and guide to help you achieve what you want to achieve, become what you want to become, and do what you want to do - both in your career and in your personal life.

Each letter presents a single principle along with a short list of Dos and Don'ts for applying the principle successfully.

The A-B-C technique helps you remember and apply the principles, discuss them with others, and teach
them to others.